December 27, 2011

This is me, asking for help...

Last week I gave in and called Help Hope Live(formerly NTAF).  They are an organization that helps transplant patients raise the funds needed to pay for their medical expenses associated with transplant.  And with the average cost of a liver transplant over $500,000, medical bills can quickly get out of hand.  Even with insurance.

Right now I am seeing my transplant team every 3 months.  The total cost of the exam is over two grand with my portion of the bill ranging from $200-$300 plus a $35 copay. I am billed also for the labs I get drawn. Before every appointment I also have scans done. Those usually run about $250.  There is also my yearly endoscopy in which I not only get billed from the Dr, but the hospital as well Adding another $4-500.  As far as medication goes, I am thankful that right now I am on pretty minimal meds. What worries me is the post transplant meds, which I am told are VERY expensive.  I will be calling the insurance company today and asking more about what is and isn't covered as well as hoping they can give me estimates of what costs I will have. 

Now to the fundraising part.  I need to put together a committee. I've been told it works best to appoint someone as chairperson. And they can serve as the primary contact and help the communication between the other volunteers. It's so hard for me to ask for help, especially when I have but a few friends here in town.  I don't see any other way to help ease this burden on my family.  If any of you think you could help, please let me know.  If you are local, fantastic.  If not, there are still many ways you can help.  Even if you think you can only help a little, it will mean so much more to me and my family.  Feel free to leave me a comment here.  Or you can shoot me an email.  I would really appreciate any and all help.  From the bottom of my heart liver. 

**Once I have someone who is willing to be chairperson and others that will help, I can call Help Hope Live and let them know I'm ready and we can get the ball rolling!**


  1. Carole Harris - @charris74Dec 27, 2011, 3:02:00 PM

    I am always here to help you! Just let you know what you need me to do!!!

  2. Thank You Carole. I will let you know when things get moving!

  3. I'm very willing to serve on your committee and help you. ~Simera Nichols

  4. Simera! That means the world to me! Thank You!

  5. Ready & willing .... call Help Hope Live! Let's get your fundraisers going!

  6. I am in! I saw your tweets about it last week. Maybe we can schedule a meeting so you can let us know how we can help!

  7. Have I told you lately that I love you Stacy!? You are amazing and I am beyond blessed to have you as a friend!

  8. Michelle, Sounds like a plan. I just have to get back in contact with HHL and let them know I am a go. Thank You.

  9. Great! Look forward to it and meeting you!

  10. Kimmie,
    Let me know what I can do to help. I would love to SUPPORT!
