It a world full of ups and downs a day like yesterday was so refreshing. Most days I barely have the energy to run around out side with the boys. I think after a whole week of a cold, I finally caught a second wind. Well it was sorta a sad wind, surely it was no storm like the one we had last night anyways. But I had energy! Got some cleaning done and even had some good fun with the boys.
I saw a video a while back where a guy was showing his sons how a water bottle could suck in a hard boiled egg if you rinsed it out with boiling water first. Our egg cracked while it was boiling, so it didn't come out perfect, but it was cool to see and Anthony was still talking about it this morning. Sorta. He asked if the toilet water was hot and if it would suck him in if he sat to long! NO son, the toilet is safe!
While dinner was cooking we went out side to melt our "ice balloons". I had stuffed a bunch of random things in balloons and froze them.
Ice Balloons
Who is more excited? Alexander or the dog? |
Hey look! There was money in the ice! |
Notice Chico circling the boys like a shark? All he wanted was a lick! |
I promised the boys we would do more experiments. So I am going to be popping over to Pinterest in a bit and see what I can find. Here is to hoping for more normal days. More playing, less complaining. Yup, days like yesterday remind me that no matter how tough life will get this is what I'm fighting for! I love these guys more than anything else in the whole world.
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