March 6, 2013

Happiness is ________ {Week 9}

Its Wednesday again and you know what that means.  Its time to bring on the happy.  I need happy.  Happy is what got me though a few days with 2 boys and the hubby having a stomach bug.  Thankfully everyone is on the mend and I will be more happy when the weekend rolls around.  Spring Break Baby!!!

Happiness is the excitement that grows as we get closer and closer to the Dog Park.  He usually stays in his bed, but once we get close he is all up in our faces.


Happiness is flying our kites as high as we can so that Grandpa Jim can see them from heaven. My Dad sent me these kites a while back.  And I was saving them, hoping that he would visit the following summer and fly them with the boys.  Every time I take them out I smile knowing that they were a gift from him.  My Dad loved sending the boys fun things.  As much as I want to keep them wrapped up, it makes me so happy to see them flying up in the sky.


Happiness is this boy telling me I am the only one who can make his sickies go away.  We got hit with a stomach bug and it hit hard.


Happiness is watching him push his stroller up a big hill all by himself.  Just two days earlier, I was pushing him in the stroller around the house, because he was to sick to walk.  And I was to sleep deprived and tired to hold him and run from the couch to the bathroom every 5 minuets.  I am also happy that today was "supposed" to be his last day of speech.  I am so happy at how well he has done.  And that he is able to stop.


And last but not least, Happiness is knowing that spring is on its way.  I have been loving all the purple that is popping up around the community.  Now if only the weather would get the message!  It was cold today!


I'm linking up with Lisa from Crazy Adventures in Parenting and sharing what makes me happy.  What makes you happy?  Don't forget to stop by and see what others are happy about :)


  1. I love that you went kite flying! (especially what it symbolizes for you guys, its so sweet) so glad you guys are feeling better, I hope its a fast recovery.

  2. Thank you for sharing! Such a beautiful post and a great motivator for me to do the same. Sometimes sitting back and thinking of all that makes your happy changes your prospective on a lot of things!

    Heather @
