November 8, 2013

Friday Five: November Bucket List

There is no way I could top this.  I had already surprised my mom with my Nephew coming in for Thanksgiving.  Then, I took a break in the middle of cooking Thanksgiving dinner to grab a quick picture of everyone.  I'm so sneaky!  Because as soon as everyone was sitting, David came in with my oldest brother!  I'm not planning anything to big this year, just a few things to look forward to and plan with the boys.  Like I said, there will be no topping this...


Backyard camp out with s'mores!
We were planning on going camping this month, but I don't think we will get around to it.  So while uncle Lester is in town, I think we can squeeze in a backyard camp out complete with s'mores and hot chocolate in the crisp fall night. 

Go fishing.
My dad bought Anthony a very cool bamboo fishing pole that we have yet to try out.  Anthony had planned on fishing with his Grandpa, but I am hoping that fishing with me might be enough.  Now all I need to do is find a good place to go fishing here in San Antonio.

Explore a new park.
There are so many parks here and we haven't even been to half of them.  And with the weather finally cooling down, we will be able to enjoy a few hours with out overheating!  I have quite a few parks on my list but I have no clue where to start first.  I'm taking suggestions.  What is your favorite San Antonio Park?

Take family photos
This one I have been trying to do for years, but somehow it just never happens.  I have tons of photos of the boys.  A few of David and the boys.  And only a few phone selfies with the boys and myself.  I do have a few of the boys and I with the bluebonnets but I need to get some of all of us.  Who knows, maybe even the dogs!  

I have been talking about this long enough.  Some have said that being a dog foster is volunteering, but I would love to do more.  So I am going to sign up for orientation at the local animal shelter and I will be going in with a friend when I can.  Very excited about this.  

What are your plans for November?  Do you have a favorite part of fall?  I'm so jealous of all the photos I have been seeing of changing leaves.  Around here things go from green to brown.  That's it! Happy Fall Y'all!