April 1, 2014

Happy Donate Life Month!

NDLM_2014_Web_300x250April is Donate Life Month.  And you know what that means.  Lots of sharing around here. I really have been meaning to write more, but something always comes up. But the house is quiet now, Thank You Ninja Turtles.  I have about 15 minutes of alone time.  I think.

So I wanted to share some numbers with you. Which is funny because I am awful with numbers. Horrible.  And the Hepatic Encephalopathy only makes it worse.  There are days where I look at my 3rd graders homework and it looks like jibberish. But here are some numbers stick with me!

An average of 18 people die waiting for a life saving transplant each day.  

On March 28th there were 121,812 people waiting for a transplant in the US and today there are 121,931.  

15,725 people, including myself are waiting for a liver transplant.  

1,668 are here in Texas.

There are only 7 of us in Texas being treated for Budd Chiari Syndrome. 

I am one of 98 liver patients at the Methodist Transplant and Specialty Hospital here in San Antonio.

I am the only BCS patient in my clinic now.

So here is my plan.  I want to see just how much the numbers change this month!  If over 100 people were added in less than a week, I can only imagine how that number will grow over the next 4 weeks.  

Are you a registered organ donor?  Why or why not?  Has organ donation touched your life?  I would love to hear your stories!  Sharing is how we spread the good word and that's what we need.  More people need to be properly educated on Organ Donation.  Its a scary thing.  I get that.  But it is saving lives.  And what better gift can you give someone than the gift of life?

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