My Monday started off with a text from David telling me that he was coming home sick. When this man admits hes sick its bad. When he leaves work...its BAD. His fever walking in the door was 103. He changed and went straight to bed and I dont thinks hes gotten up since. No lunch. No dinner. Just Nyquil.
My mother in law took me to get the rest of my shopping done. I didnt find everything I needed but I did spend all my money. Whoops. I havent nailed down my menu. I know what I have to make but who knows what day Ill make what. Tonight I didnt even make dinner. Grandma got the boys happy meals while I shopped and I had a Chimichanga.
I did manage to get all but 3 presents. Two being my inlaws because what the heck do I give to someone who has everything they need and who no gift will ever be enough for all they do for us year round. They even came over and watched the boys while they were sick so we could finish our Christmas shopping. Who ever we didnt get for might just have to wait for a new years gift instead.
The plan is to have a dinner here Christmas Eve. Then go to Grandmas house on Christmas Day for tamales!! We are supposed to help make them but everyone seems to be out sick. I had been lucky to have been skipped this round. Then as soon as I lay down...the coughing started. Crap.
Im praying I wake up and everyone is magically better. Christmas can go on and we can be surrounded by family and friends. Sounds much better than being sick in a sick bubble. Grandma has already told me she will call my doctor if I get a fever. (per drs orders). So I took some cough syrup and am praying all is good in the morning. I hope everyone is healthy and I wish you all the Merriest Christmas!