August 28, 2016

Menu Plan Monday: August 29th

Here we go!  Week 2 back to school.  Or as I seem to be calling it, " Get used to it " week.  While my boys like school, the early bedtimes are always the hardest part.  The no PlayStation during the week is pretty bad too. We tried staggering their bedtimes a little since one is in middle school now, but they both still leave the house at the same time.  And as much as my 11 year old thinks and extra hour isn't such a big deal, I do.  So we are back to everyone going to bed at the same time.  Except for today.  Today we were running all sorts of late.  But they were asleep by 9 and even the dogs have retired for the day.

Our typical Sunday night routine.  David is catching up on some of his shows.  I am gonna finish up here then get things set out for tomorrow.  Last week I said I wanted to be in bed by 11.  This week I am gonna be a little more realistic and go with 11:30.  I was close last week, but not quite, so I'm giving myself 30 more minutes this week.  Im gonna need it.



   Monday:  Turkey Tetrazzini and salads.

   Tuesday:  Taco Tuesday.

   Wednesday:  Steak fingers, mashed and corn.

   Thursday:  Baked fish, rice and veggies.

   Friday:  Leftovers


   Reserve Campsite.

   Refill meds.  For everyone.

   Be in bed by 11:30

   Get Asthma Action Plan

I have a feeling this week is going to be brutal.  The homework is about to start rolling in too.  So there will be even less fun time after school.  Boo.  But hopefully we will all settle into our routines soon and there will be less grumbling.  Tonight when I was tucking him in, Alex said he loved school but that it didn't leave him much time to "Life Life".  Seriously kid.  I feel you.

Thankfully we have a Labor Day Trip coming up.  I'm hoping that having something fun to look forward to will be enough to get us through this week.

What did everyone do this weekend? Anything fun and exciting?  Here's to a quick and painless week!


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