This is why days like Tuesday, no matter how crazy they are, are special.
The day started with two of my most favorite things. A beautiful sunrise and smiles from this kid. Some days walking the big kids to and from the bus stop is the only time I leave the house, so I enjoy the hell out of it!

After dropping the little kids off to school its straight back home for breakfast. For the 4 leggeds of course. 7.5 cups of kibble and a half can of wet food and a handful of greens for Koopa.

Had just enough time before I had to put on real clothes and head to the hospital.

I was hoping for good news and I got it! INR is 2.8 AND I don't have to go back for 4 weeks. Much better than the last month of weekly visits. It was lower than it has been in months but I still managed a band aid blow out.

After that I had to go to another office and do more blood work for the Transplant Clinic. Six vials later and I was good to go. I think that was the most pain free stick too. Even if she kept eyeballing the veins in my wrists. I told her those were off limits. At least until the other ones are still good.

The plan was to go home and rest after all this but when I dropped Alex off at school he reminded me that I have been putting off lunch with him. So we stopped by the house to let the dogs out and make us some sandwiches first. Seeing his smile when he saw me was just what I needed.

And we even stayed for recess. The teachers and I were talking about how much cooler recess was when we were all little. Our poor kids will never know the fun of a good game of Red Rover. Loved that game.

Got home. Took the dogs out. Gave the puppies lunch. Checked in on Koopa. Loaded the washer. Then laid down on the couch for a few minutes before heading back to the school to get Alex.

Dinner was done early and was on the table by the time David got home. Right after dinner we headed back up to the school for Alex's teacher conference. He's doing great and is reading a grade ahead. His teacher said he is kind and confident. She also noticed his love for Christmas music, which he sings quietly as hes taking tests. All that from a kid who used to cry when the bell rang and he had to go to class.

Something totally worth celebrating. So off to Sonic we went.

"Hey mom, while we wait for our ice cream to come out, can we unbuckle?" "OK now flex your muscles and see if this hurts!" Sigh. But they were laughing....together for a change.

One small vanilla malt for me. I'm a simple kinda girl.

Got home in time to take the dogs out while the boys got ready for bed. They spent most of the time following me around the yard. Every time I stopped they would start wrestling at my feet.

Alex has been doing the dishes lately and told me he "organized" the dishes that he didn't finish. Cleaned up the kitchen, laid back down on the couch while David tucked the boys.

I turned off the water and realized that the house was completely silent. Everyone was sound asleep. No better time to mark something off my list for the week. A good soak at the end of the day was just what I needed.

Its funny. I hear about other moms who are on the go all day every day. And I hear them complain that there is just too much to do. I want to be that moms. I want to run errands, visit with friends, work a full time job. I want to drive out and have lunch with David. Go to the library. Accepting the fact that all these things just aren't likely anytime soon, is a hard pill to swallow.
To some, this might not seem like much. But considering there are days that I never even leave the house, I was beyond exhausted. No medication pics. It wasn't until midnight that I realized I didn't take them. While I did that, I let the dogs out one last time and before I knew it, I was asleep.
So there you have it. Nothing big and exciting but my life. Happy Thursday everyone.
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