Both boys were asleep by 7:30 tonight without a fight and now I'm filled with all sorts of hope that the week will run just as smoothly. Probably jinxing myself again but I figure sooner or later, things will start to lean in my favor. Right?
***Update: At 5 am Anthony woke me up to let me know he threw up... I told you!***
I'm trying to stay ahead of the game this week. Lunches are packed and I have my the plan for the week worked out. Lets see!
Monday: Turkey Taco Zucchini Boats
Tuesday: Roasted Curry Chicken with Broccoli
Wednesday: Spaghetti and Salads
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Supper Club
Nothing too fancy or complicated. Figured the less time I spend in the kitchen the more time I have to get things done around the house. And to play with puppies. After a hectic weekend they are in need of some energy draining for sure. Poncho and Chico need some good loving too. I'm so glad they are forgiving on me for constantly dropping foster dogs right in the middle of their lives all the time.
Today brings me a ton of things that need to be done. Things that should probably already been done. Like steam cleaning my carpets. I have been saying that I am going to do it for 3 weeks now. I don't think I have ever gone this long without doing them. Going to push that up to the top of my list. If it's the one big thing I get done this week, It will be done. And laundry, there are still little piles of clothes that need to be folded and hung.

Steam clean carpets. For real this time!
Clear off surfaces. There is clutter everywhere.
Fill and hang up my new picture frames.
Take 10 minutes to stretch every morning.
Take at least one bubble bath.
Drink more tea.
Yell less, hug more.
What's on your menu this week? Are there any big goals you hope to accomplish? I'd love to hear all about them. Let me encourage you and feel free to remind me that I need to stay focused, because as we all know, I get a little sidetracked.
Happy Monday Everyone!
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