OK, we are in week two of May and I am starting to feel a little more human. Waking up early has its perks. I am not as tired as I thought I'd be for starters. Actually I was more tired on the day I slept in. Didn't see that coming but I really am enjoying this new routine. The coffee helps too.

The weekend went by quicker than I was hoping but there is nothing I can do about that. Dinner on Saturday night was bittersweet. And it was a good reminder that I have more people out there. I just need to make a way to see them more often. When adoption events were closer to home we were able to squeeze them in a few times a month. And now I go months in between quick visits to drop off foster puppies who are going home. I miss my rescue family and told David we have to find a way to make it up there more often. And not just for me. The boys really love volunteering and seeing the group too. Anthony especially. It was our thing. I hate that we have fallen off a bit.
First, we gotta get through this week. There is quite a bit of prep that I need to do still. Veggies to cut and snacks to portion out. Thankfully the menu is done! The In Laws Favorite Chicken is the new recipe this week. It has been sitting in my recipe folder forever. Not sure how my in laws feel about sun dried tomatoes but if we like it, I will make it again and invite them over.

This week should go by pretty fast. Anthony has STAAR tests this week. I hate how anxious he gets before these things. And do they really need to do it first thing Monday? Either way, he asked for a green smoothie for breakfast and we have reminded him that all he has to do is his best. I will be hugging him extra tight before he gets on the bus. Alex is a little bummed that he is officially done with homework for the school year but a little excited that he will have more time to play after school. I love these boys something fierce.
What does your week look like? Kids almost done for school? Are you ready for summer break? I know we are! June first can't come soon enough!
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