August 30, 2017

Currently: August

Am I the only one who is sad to see summer go, but is left feeling completely exhausted?  I had the hardest time sleeping all summer, now I have to force myself to stay away once 4pm rolls around. I look at little like this poor guy right now.  And it's not even noon!

Feeling: Heartbroken for Texas.  As well as feeling pride in the state for coming together in a time of need. To be completely honest, it took me a long time to accept Texas as our home. But over the past 3 years or so, I have come to love it and can't imagine living anywhere else. This storm missed up by 30 miles.  Everyone we know up there is accounted for. Some have lost everything. Part of me feels guilty, because it didn't hit here.  I am feeling all the emotions.

Watching: Game of Thrones and Zoo. I just finished GoT yesterday and I could not contain myself. And now I have to wait forever for the next season.  Boo!

Reading: The Pursuit by Janet Evanovich and The Magic of Motherhood.

Loving: My new laptop. The old one was a hand me down and has been handed down again to the boys for games. But can I just say that going from Windows to Apple has been a serious adjustment! I am a little bummed that I can't just transfer photoshop over though.

Eating: Summer time Junk. August was like a free for all. Time to get back to healthier food and saying goodbye to those midnight snacks. I'm pretty sure I survived the summer living off of Lara Bars and Popcorn.

Drinking: Water, water and more water. Need to flush out my body after all the junk I ate over the weekend.

Listening to: This Cover. I think I like it better than the original. I'm such a sucker for a good cover. Which do you prefer?

Writing: Important dates into my new planner. I happened to find it at CVS when I was getting refills and it goes from this month to next December. I kept finding ones that end next July so being able to finish this year and go all through the next had me sold.

Looking forward to:  Fall. I love Summer. But this year I am going to accept that it is over and move on. Bring on the cool-ish weather, earlier sunsets and brighter mornings. Ok just kidding, I'm just excited for Thanksgiving! Plus, Fingers crossed, my little brother and his family are coming out to visit.

Regretting: Not swimming as much. I spent a lot of time at the pool while the boys had swim, but I think I only got in a handful of times.

What have you been up to to this month? What are you looking forward to in September?

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