But even though getting the boys out of the house on time was next to impossible, even though I got my butt kicked in the gym and even though my mind has been so all over the place this week, my heart is happy. And since its Friday, I get to share it all with you.
Having a library at the gym. I can reward my self with a book for every workout!
All the food. My appetite is back-ish!
Facetime with my siblings. Some of the few people who get my sarcasm.
Laughing with David. Believe it or not, he's not always so serious.
Choosing my battles. Totally winning here!
A variety of new books to read. Including a lego cookbook for Alex.
My new phone. I am loving this thing!
Morning chats with the neighbors. Everyones coming and going and I'm just here, watering my grass.
Anthony going to the bus stop solo. Another reminder that hes not so little anymore.
What is one thing that made you happy this week?
The weather has been amazing. Ive never experienced a real Fall season, but if this is it, no wonder everyone loves it so much! Its noon and still under 80 degrees! Amazing! The fire pit might need to be pulled out tonight.
I will be keeping up with all my friends and family in Florida this weekend as Hurricane Irma bears down on them. I don't know who went and poked mother nature with a stick, but y'all better cut it out! You really made her mad! Sending my love to all who have been though crazy weather or will be going through it. If you have an extra prayer, they will need it for sure. Be sure to hug your loved ones extra tight tonight!
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