Okay, I'm done. This week has me a little riled up. Its been raining since Monday. I think today it was a constant drizzle. Don't get me wrong, I love the rain and I know we NEED the rain, but my body was feeling all Eeyore and my brain was all Tigger. My body won. I did not move enough this week. Who am I kidding, I slept better this whole week than I have in months. But my body aches.
There sunshine in the week too. Not actual sunshine but the happy heart kind. It wasn't all doom and gloom this week. Thankfully.

For starters this week was filled with new recipes. The Pad Woon Sen turned out more like pancit but it was good. The Sweet Chili Chicken was good too. Sticky but good. The real winner were the Zucchini Enchiladas. Which is surprising because I was expecting the boys to fuss a little over it. They actually ate with out talking, they were to busy eating. And if you know my boys, that's a BIG deal!

Speaking of food. My favorite Thai restaurant opened up their own market and I can't wait to try everything! I have a feeling we will be stopping in there quite often.
This week my baby brother turned 30! Welcome to the dirty thirties Jeff! Its not as bad as everyone says it is!
As much as I love swim, this was our first week in 4 months with no swim. It starts up again next week but it was nice not having to rush around. And once both boys start swimming we will be at the pool 4 out of 5 days a week. That should be fun. At least we can take turns going to the gym while the other one waits with the kids.

The dogs have been super lazy this week. They pretty much refuse to go out if its so much as sprinkling out. The might have slept more than I did this week. I never thought I would seek the company of a tortoise. However, he does not like to chit chat when its time to eat. Hes super serious about his meals!

We watched Guardians of the Galaxy 2 this week. Groot is the cutest thing in the world! I laughed until I cried. And then I just cried. The boys are getting older and are catching on to the adult jokes. As much as that makes me sad and a little bit worried, I don't think they have laughed that hard at a movie. Ever! So goes the rule: Just because you see or hear it, doesn't mean you can write or say it!
You know what else made me happy this week? Getting out the fall decorations. I realized that this year I have more Halloween things, so I will get to change everything out again in November. I don't know why, but that makes me so happy! It also makes me want to go out and buy more things!
I read more than watched this week. That is also why I slept more. Not because it was boring, but because I always start out reading sitting up and before I know it, I'm chin deep under the blankets and my eyelids are closing. I have finished 2 and am almost done with 2 more.
This week I have been contacted by 2 more people with Budd Chiari Syndrome. Both newly diagnosed and feeling alone. I love that they have found me. It reminds me of why I started this blog in the first place. To show myself and others that even though its scary and hard, its not the end of the road. There is still so much life to be lived!
Fridays always make me happy, because linking up with Lindsay, Charlotte and Beth is always fun. I love our Peaceful Posse!
What are your weekend plans? What ever we do, I hope its out of the house and it gets my heart pumping. Happy Friday everyone!