Grocery shopping was done on Saturday again. Its really nice to get it over with. Plus, they still have the bread the boys like and the veggies aren't completely picked through. They had everything I needed except corn on the cob so I grabbed a package of the frozen ones and called it good. And it looks like the days of having the weekends off is over. But leftover nights on the weekend are cool too, because lets be honest, there are much better things to do on the weekend besides standing in front of a stove. Sunday included, running errands and paying bills, mowing the backyard, the gym, the pharmacy, home to watch the Cowboys lose, then out to Best Buy to pick up my new headphones. After that I think we were both wiped out. The boys of course stayed a second night at Grandmas.
But we were able to get everything we wanted to get done, plus more. Lets hope that Monday is good to us. If anything, at least my menu is done and planned.

This Chicken Parmesan Casserole is super easy. Easy is a winner in my book. You just layer a few things in a pan and bake it. Voila! We pair it with a nice salad and call dinner done.
Last week a friend shared a recipe she had made with her Instant Pot and I had said that I was so bummed that I didn't have one because holy yum, check out this this Pollo Guisado con Maiz. Im super excited to try this one and thankful it can be made in the stove!
How fitting that we are having fish on a swim day! Oh man I crack myself up. My boys love fish, but this way is their favorite. The original recipe is called Mamas Supper Club Tilapia, but Dad told me this crazy story about tilapia and now I switch Swai out of Tilapia. I'm sure they will ask for white rice with it. Its a little heavy on the sodium so, I only eat a little. If I could, I would eat half the pan.
Anthony picked these Yellow Curry Meatballs based on the photo he saw when he was watching me scroll through Pinterest. He said for starters, its kinda colorful and plus, he can't remember what curry tastes like, so that was his contribution to the menu this week. I wonder if he will help me cook them too?!
And because 2 new recipes were not enough, I found Buffalo Chicken Tenders in the Paleo Cookbook I checked out on Friday. We don't eat strictly paleo. Or strictly anything for that matter.
Someone recently messaged me when one weeks menu seemed a little more heavy that usual. She, like me is living with liver disease and asked me how I managed to eat what we were eating and not hurt. Its no big secret. Most nights, I don't eat dinner. Or if I do, its only a few bites while I'm fixing every ones plates. These days I don't sit down for dinners unless its just for the conversation. Eating makes me really uncomfortable so I am usually done eating anything filling by the time the boys get out of school. If I made meals that were based on what I can eat, David and the boys would miss out on way to much. So I cook for them, eat what I can and stick to smaller meals and my shakes. And yes, I know, I don't look like someone who hardly eats, but thanks to yet another illness that fights me on the whole fat loss battle front.
Quick question for you!
How do you do dinner? Family dinner at the table? In the living room or where ever?
Eating anywhere but the dining room table is a rare thing in this house. Unless we are watching a movie, food stays in the kitchen or dining room. That's how my family did it growing up. As dysfunctional as we were, when Dad called us to dinner we all came quickly, prayed and ate together. The first time I ate at Davids house, we made our plates and went to his bed room. I couldn't even finish my dinner I felt so weird eating anywhere other than a table.
Happy Monday Everyone. Hope you have those menus ready to go! Click the button above for some inspiration :)
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