November is my favorite month of the whole year. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It didn't used to be. If you bring it up to any one of us older kids, we will probably just laugh. I don't think I had a "normal" Thanksgiving until I left home. It was just the 2 of us and suddenly I was missing the the crazy, loud and chaotic dinner with my big family. I also realized that this was my family now. With every year that passes, it has become more and more special to me. We went from 2 to 4 at the table. The came Grandma and Grandpa. Then came family dropping in when they could and now friends who are family. My door is always open. Especially on Thanksgiving. And there is enough food to go around. The only rule is check the drama at the door, because that is no longer a welcome part of the holiday!
I have just 2 things I will be repeating in my head this month. Two reminders to get me through November.

This is something we can all use reminding of. Especially around the holidays. I for one usually find my calm in the chaos of the holidays, but that doesn't mean I'm not telling myself this at least a dozen times a day. After all, have you met my boys?! I kid. The are good boys. But they are boys. Every other living thing in this house is a boy. So I am outnumbered, therefore I need this reminder.

So in my October adventures in Netflix brought me to Spartacus. I heard it was super gory and in no way safe for work, or even safe while there are children in the house for that matter. Seriously. Its nuts. But I love that era and the blood and guts kinda thing... I love that stuff. But when season 2 rolled around I was like wait! What happened to Spartacus? Who is this new dude? Eventually I got used to the change but I just HAD to go and look it up. You guys, have you heard of Andy Whitfield? He was the original Spartacus but was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I don't even have the words to describe his story but it moved something in me. Andy says "Be here now is all about being in the present. And not fearing what you don't know." It was just the kick in the ass I needed to get me out of this dark hole Ive been lost in. Watch it. When you have time to ugly cry by yourself because though. Because its real. Real heartbreaking and real inspiring all in one.
Well shit, that got sad fast! I promise once you process it, you will get to the inspiring part!
I set my October goals pretty low in hopes of easily knocking them out.
October Goals
Read 2 books.Finished 3 and started a 4thTry 4 new recipes.That was easy- Share more liver stories. TOTAL FAIL! If anything I posted less all month.
Fall back in love with Instagram.I fell in love-ish. Well need another month I think!- Step out of my comfort zone. So if my bed was my comfort zone, I'm totally winning 😞
November brings lots of excitement and with that excitement comes a whole checklist of tasks to be done before the fun can start. I would also like to spend part of this month preparing for next month. Thanksgiving brings chaos and calm. Christmas makes me anxious. Im hoping to keep it pretty low key and end the year on a quiet note. I also hope I didn't just jinx myself.
November Goals
- Decorate for the holidays.
- Get a photo of the four of us.
- Focus on what I am thankful for.
- Start my Christmas shopping .
- Be more present.
- 12 pm bedtime.
I know we are over a week in, but November is in full swing. My Turkey dinner list is coming together. We are planning out the week. David will be home all week and the following Monday I have to be at the Transplant clinic in the morning. I'm not quite sure what to expect for once since its the first time there has been changes in labs and symptoms. I'm not worried. I am just going to breath, slow down and enjoy every minute of the month!
What does your November look like?
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