Lets talk change! Its nothing super spectacular, but change just the same. And we all know how much I struggle with change!
For starters I will be sharing a little more than just my menus around here. I know as the year went on, and my health took a dip, the only thing I stuck to was my menu. But this year I think I will get back to my old ways. I miss using my space as a place to share my thoughts and stories. Even the day to day stuff. Its not always interesting, but its me. So think, more dogs, boys, liver stories and who knows what else.
And yes, I know I didn't do a menu this week. But honestly, between the menudo, the tamales and the ham, last weeks menu kinda self imploded and this week I am working on just cleaning out the freezer and pantry. I am going to use everything up and start fresh next week. You are not missing out on anything, I promise!
We have quite a few little adventures lined up this year, so lots of on the go stuff. Between a big summer vacation and my little brother getting married, I'm getting more and more excited every day. We also talked about easy local exploring that we wanted to do. Places we haven't been yet or place we really wanted to go back to. There will be lots of sun shine and fresh air for us in the new year. Now we just have to survive our "Texas Winter" weather.
There are also a lot of other adventures that don't even require leaving the house. Ill share them when I share my word, so stay tuned!
What are your plans for this first week of the new year. Did you hit the ground running or are you just soaking it all in. Is there a middle ground? Because if there is, that's where you will find me!
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