After a lazy weekend, I'm actually looking forward to the week. There is a lot to do. I took the week off last week. I have the pile of laundry and dust bunnies to show for it too. There are dogs to wash and a tortoise to soak. My carpets need a good steam and its lab work time. Thankfully this weeks menu is easy and quick because I'm getting tired just thinking about my to do list!

Garlic Parm Chicken
Chicken Tacos
Baked Lime Chicken
Roasted Broccoli
Turkey Chili
Leftovers / Sandwiches
So, pretty easy right? I was originally going make lumpia today, but decided against the fried food. Yay for some self restraint. No matter how good I know it will taste, I know my body would hate me right not if I gave in. Ooh maybe I can bake them? Probably wont be the same but...
But first I need to get out of my pajamas, feed kids, animals and myself. Get kids to school and get to the hospital for blood work. The throbbing in my head is telling me that my numbers are not going to be where they should be. But nothing a little dose adjustment can't fix.
Your turn! Whats on your menu this week?
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