This week isn't a very busy week, but with today being a holiday and Wednesday being almost a full day at the hospital and teacher conference that night too, I want to make sure I know what I'm doing. Otherwise, it will be a train wreck. And Ive had enough of those lately!
- Italian Chicken
- Salads
- Chicken Tacos
- Pancit
- Little Lumpia
- Baked Pork Chops
- Salad
- Fish Sticks
- Macaroni
- Broccoli
I'm thinking as long as everything is prepped for dinner Wednesday, I will be able to come home, make dinner, pick up kids, eat dinner and head out for Alex's conference. It should work. Fingers crossed. David took the day off, so there is a chance we will end up in Best Buy, lose track of time and my plan goes up in smoke. Not that Id ever pass up a trip to play with electronics. But still.
So lets talk about your menu now? Is it planned? Do you always say you are going to plan one and then never get around to it? Whats stopping you? Menu planning is life y'all! Its about the only part of my life I have together at the moment. I just need to find some new recipes to try out. Feel free to leave me some suggestions below!
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