March 16, 2018

Whats up Weekend { March 16th }

Another Friday is here.  And just like that Spring Break 2018 is coming to a close.  This year things were different than the past few years.  David was working, so the boys and I mostly stayed home.  Usually, we go on a mini vaca but this year that is going to have to wait.

We did get out of the house a few times and this morning we are about to go do one of their most favorite things ever.  Something that they usually don't get to do now that they are both in school.  Guess where we are going?!  We are going to the hospital.  And after my appointment, we are going to the cafeteria.  I kid you not, they were so excited that I had an appointment during Spring Break for that very reason.  I'm happy that they are so happy about it.  I'm not sure why they are so happy about it but I am rolling with it.

You know what else made me this week?

Books, books and more books!

Midweek S'mores nights!

A new camera and lens.

Planning a surprise for the boys.

Thai Turkey Wraps

Making dinners that are surprisingly amazing!

Feeding the ducks something other than bread

Alex and his dreams of being a YouTube star.

Being able to contribute to our vacation funds!

Quiet Time.  AKA make them play till they pass out.

Coming to grips with going down to one car.

I just love this Friday link up.  What better way to end the week than by counting your blessings and taking a look back at all the happiness the week brought us.  Be sure to click the button and link up with my girls Linsday, Charlotte, and Beth.

This weekend is going to be a busy one.  We have an appointment Saturday and then a birthday party right after.  After that, I'm hoping to squeeze in a trip to Lowes because my front yard needs some flowers.  Well, it needs an extreme makeover, but let's not go there just yet.  Plus we have work in the backyard that needs to be done too.  So the Sunday forecast is calling for some heavy lifting and lots of sweat.  And somewhere in there, I need to get groceries and all that fun stuff take care of too. 

Exciting, I know.  What do you have planned for the weekend?  Anything fun?  Id love to hear all about it.  Whatever it is, I hope it makes you happy!