April 9, 2018

Menu Plan Monday { April 9th }

Happy Monday Everyone.  Or at least I hope its a happy one.  Mondays have been killing me lately.  But I am determined to make this one a good one.  I have to go to the hospital for more bloodwork this morning, then Alex is off to the dentist after school.  Busy is good.  

Denman Estate

The weekend was spend running errands and checking out a new (to the boys) park.  While it really is a beautiful park,  the trails aren't enough for them.  They need wide open spaces to run, jump and throw a football.  Alex was also upset that the ducks didn't appreciate his green peas because they are addicted to bread instead.  They really are.  Bread is like fast food for ducks. 

This week is looking like its going to be pretty easy though, so that is nice.  I have been so sour lately.  I think I should blame the weather.  It's Spring.  In South Texas and its 60 degrees.  Yes, that's it.  I am cold, therefore I am grumpy!

The countdown to our first summer trip shows exactly 2 months!  There is so much I need to do before we go.  So I am going to choose to be happy and embrace the craziness that the next 8 weeks will bring.  And probably my blood work results from today.  We have eaten like crap this weekend.

I'm rambling....  Speaking of food!  It's Monday.  So let's get to the menu!

Menu Plan Monday

Oven Fried Chicken

Chicken Street Tacos

Lime Chicken Bowls

Herbed Pork Chops with Garlic Butter

Lemon Pepper Turkey

We are starting the week with Oven Fried Chicken.  It's not fried but it is coated with breadcrumbs.  I'm going to make this Southern Bacon Fried Cabbage with it.  We just need something different. Everyone is tired of salad, broccoli, asparagus, and corn. Of course, with it having bacon, even low sodium bacon, I will only be able to have a bit or two. Creativity in the side dish department is needed!

Tuesday and Wednesday are easy and quick meals.  Tacos, because its Tuesday and Baked Lime Chicken, because I can make extra and prep lunches for the rest of the week with it!  I was really surprised at how much we all enjoyed this dish.

I think even I am getting Chickened out.  So I am going to try this Pork Chop recipe.  If there's garlic butter on it, it has to be a winner.  HA!  We will see.

Lemon Pepper Turkey is a favorite around here.  Ground Turkey, lemons and pepper.  Super easy and light.  Of course, we usually eat it over brown rice pilaf, so that helps it stick to the ribs or whatever it is they say.  There go those carbs just sneaking in there.  But we are also tired of cauliflower rice so brown rice it is!

That's what's cooking this week in my kitchen.  
What do you have planned for dinner this week?