Saturday Alex got to run errands with us since Anthony spent the night at a friends house. His idea of the perfect weekend would be video games and snuggling up with the dogs all day. Poor kid had another thing coming.
On Sunday, Alex went to Grandmas while David and I went to the movies to see Avenger. I love Thor. That's all I'm going to say about that. We ended up going to the pool with friends in the afternoon. The water was still a little cold but was super refreshing. I wasn't planning on swimming, but couldn't stay out of the water either. I think I am going to have to make some trips there during the week while there are no kids just to get my sun and water fix. I forget how recharging it is!
And then it was all over. And now we are kicking it in gear for the last few weeks of the school year. I am spending today catching up on housework, scheduling appointments, and getting my kitchen cleaned and prepper for the week. I have to go back to the store to find a ham still since they didn't have a decent sized one at HEB. Oh and the eggplant too. Someone remind me not to forget that!
Here is this weeks line up!
Baked Parmesan Chicken
Zucchini Chicken Enchiladas
Baked Ham
Steak and Eggplant Stir Fry
So now you know whats cooking in my kitchen, whats cooking in yours this week? I'm loving the lighter dinners that Spring brings. Bring on the veggies!
Happy Monday everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful week!
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