One thing that has made a big difference this week is that even those few seconds where I was wondering where the hell I was, I felt safe. This whole week I have felt it. I don't know how to explain it, but I like not being so afraid all the time. Living with H.E is scary, confusing and beyond frustrating. I wouldn't wish it on anyone but I'm just trying live with it the best I can.

Good food. We have been eating a little later than normal but no one has said anything. I don't start cooking until David says he's on his way home. That gives me a 30 minute head start. Thank you Pinterest for all the super easy and quick recipes. Oh and thanks Tyson for the Chicken Nuggets I fed them yesterday!
Online grocery shopping for the win. This is a life changer. I was worried mostly about their choice of produce but if I'm really worried about it, I will go in and get it myself. But saving myself 2 hours of cart rage...hallelujah!

This was a fun on. We took blanket forts to a whole new level and all we needed was one duvet cover and a fan. So much fun and it kept the boys occupied for a little while, which was a double win!

Finding photos like these on my phone. People have had to make some serious life choices in Walmart this week. It just cracks me up because I would have kept what I had. I mean s'mores and watermelon are Summer staples right?
My bridesmaids dress is shipped and should be here by Monday. I excited and nervous at the same time. Im not a dress kinda girl but I always say Im going to embrace them. I do wear my Marshallese dresses and lava lavas (I think people in the states call them Muumus and sarong) at home but I think I might be ready for an American dress LOL

My Cardiology appointment went super awesome so that is a huge part of my happiness this week! I'm happy to no have to go back for 6 months. Not because I dislike them, but because that means all is good in the heart department! I shared that update here.
There's so much more but it's getting to be time to figure out what to feed these
I don't think we have anything planned for the weekend actually. I'm hoping we can squeeze a trip to the beach in. It's our only chance this month to go but there is a crap ton of things to get done around here too, so the beach just might have to wait until August. Fingers crossed.
Happy Friday everyone. I hope you all have an amazing weekend!
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