August 27, 2018

Menu Plan { August 27th }

Hello Monday!  Hello first day of school!  Hello??  Seriously, its so quiet in here right now!  The boys are off to fill their brains and the dogs are still dreaming away.  I forgot how still the house gets when school is in.

Menu Plan Monday

I said I was going to get back into a schedule and that's what I'm going to do!  This house needs a deep clean and theres no time like the present I suppose.  Laundry, dishes and dog hair... oh my!  I have doctors to call and meds to take.  And the house looks like a tornado blew through last night.  But, I have one thing done at least!  My menu!  Here is whats lined up for this week!


Chicken Street Tacos



Arroz con Pollo

Dinners this week are a little heavier than usual, but I have a feeling it will be needed.  The first week back to school is tough on them and I want to make sure their bellies are full!  And I think this menu will do the job.

We haven't had beef and broccoli in a while, but I'm swapping the steak out for some chicken.  Same thing with the tacos.  So much chicken!  The pork chops are a new to me recipe that I'm excited to try.  Because even though I don't have much of an appetite lately, pork chops sound good!  Plus, its finally not chicken!  Chicken with mayo might sound strange but don't knock it till try it!  Its probably the easiest and moistest chicken breast Ive ever made!  And Friday is more chicken.  This time with a Spanish flare!

Oh I can't forget the obligatory first day of school picture.  Which is getting harder and harder to get out of them!

Whats on your menu this week?  Anyone cooking up something new?  I could use some dinner suggestions for next week!

1 comment :

  1. We have all super quick and easy stuff this week because we have a ton going on. Blah.
