December 28, 2018

Christmas Cheers, Tears and a New Tradition

The first week of Winter Break 2018 is in the books and you know what that means!?  Its time to get right with life and get ready for the new year!  It came up quick, right?  Or was it just me?  I feel like we just rang in 2018.  Oh well, I am excited for the new year and all that is coming with it.  And I am almost 100% I have found my word for next year too!

Today I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails.  Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for!  Stop on over and see what everyone else is sharing today! Here is my list for this week!

Having an awesome Pediatrician office who fits us in quick.  Plus having David home to go with us.  Alex started out the break with freaking pink eye in BOTH EYES.   But they had him checked out, medicated and on his way to better days in no time! 

Watching the boys open their gifts made my heart so happy!  Both boys were genuinely thankful for each gift, even though some were just plain ole t shirts.  They each only asked for 2 things this year.  Alex wanted a playstation card and a new bike.  Anthony asked for a new pair of shoes but was skeptical because they were quite pricy.  And the other thing he asked for was color changing light bulbs for his room.  Watching him open presents, even though he was happy, I knew he was hoping he would get them.  David got him his shoes and he was shocked but his reaction to opening his bulbs was the best!

Listening to the boys talk and play video games with their cousin.  They haven't seen each other in 6 years.  Also watching my kid try to coach my brother though a mic set up so they can play too...hilarious!

All the food.  Food hasn't been my friend lately but I was able to enjoy a little of everything and not do to much damage.  Mostly I stuck to things I knew wouldn't make hurt.  This salmon is becoming a staple for me.  But there were tamales and ham too!

Pizza and movie nights.  And days.  We love movies in this house, so movie nights are almost a weekly thing but with David working so much, it had been a while.  So we may have binged a little.  I just love when the boys carry in their blankets and we make popcorn and we all snuggle up and enjoy a movie.  We watched Venom with the boys.  The David and I watched Mile 22.  Then on Christmas Eve we went and watched Aquaman.  The boys suggested movies on Christmas Eve be a new tradition.  I can get behind that for sure!

You know what else made me happy this week.  And maybe a little crazy... the after Christmas Purge.  Anyone else do this?  I have been tossing things all week!  Im not going into the new year any lighter but my house will be!

Lemons.  If you know me you know I love all things lemon and lime.  While housesitting for a neighbor, I was told to help myself to the lemon tree.  I have had one every morning!  And  grabbed a few more to make some more lemonade.  And had one just this morning with some ice tea.  And when there are lemons and salmon in the house you know I have to have my favorite dinner.  I should probably just buy myself a tree too.  Or a lime tree so we can share something different!

Having the boys home always makes me happy.  Even when they are driving me and each other crazy. My heart is always at ease when we are all under one roof!

Im happy to have made it another year with the dogs.  I know that sounds dark but both dogs are up there in age.  Chico is 17 now and gave us a big scare not that long ago.  And Poncho is 8 and for a Dane thats up there.  He too has slowed down and is showing his age these days. 

Watching Anthony get excited about shoes is always going to make me happy.  He is his fathers son thats for sure.  Clothes matching, headphones and Jordans.  Cracks me up!  Whats better is when he wants to model them.  You know, for the gram!

And lastly, naps.  Naps always make me happy.  Naps are life!

This weekend is looking like its going to be a cold one.  Its the last weekend for Zoo Lights and I am hoping that we can actually make it.  Anthony has been playing with my old camera and wants to go anywhere to take pictures of anything, so who knows where we will end up.

I hope everyone had a great week and a very Merry Christmas!  Now bring on the new year!  What are you guys doing for new years?  Will you be watching the ball drop or watching the back of your eyelids when the clock strikes midnight?