Today I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails. Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for! Stop on over and see what everyone else is sharing today! Here is my list for this week.
More decluttering. This week I tackled the laundry room, my nightstand and the medicine cabinet. I still have to get the garage done, but thats this weekend. Today is supposed to be our closet, but I need Davids help there too! Thank God its a 3 day weekend! Bedroom drawers and bathroom cabinets are also this weekend. Le sigh. I super excited that I got my medicine cabinet done though. I do need different baskets but for now, Im happy with it.

Enjoying the mornings on the patio again. On the mornings it wasn't freezing anyways. That will not be happening this weekend because it's supposed to be in the 20. It was 75 yesterday. Mother nature is as confused as I am!
Being safe. Did you catch my post last night. Yeah, I have been really struggling to keep my mind straight and yesterday and last night were the worst I have been in a while. I may have dropped an F bomb in there or called David a case whore. Not that I don't say crap like that in real life, Im a sailors daughter after all. But I don't usually say things like that because, my nephews follow me and so does Anthony and some of his friends. And even though I know they all probably say things might even make me blush, I just don't do it. Does that make sense. Im feeling better today, but still a little off.
OH I was saying, I am thankful to have a safe place to be when I go through these "episodes." I don't remember much of the night and only bits and pieces of the day. Its crazy to go though my instastories and laugh at myself for being such a dork!
Everything I made this week for dinner was a win and thats AWESOME! The boys literally ate ALL of the Spaghetti Squash Casserole and there were NO leftover chicken thighs either. The marinade was like a cross between Teriyaki and a smokey flavor. I had a few bites and enjoyed it. Alex at 3 whole boneless/skinless thighs! Sweet Jesus he is probably growing again! David was a little worried about the Eggroll in a bowl, but took it again for lunch. Its not the prettiest of dishes (this is before he sauce was added) but I doubled the sriracha and the guys ate it up!

You know what else made me happy this week? Ice cream. I don't buy it but a handful of times a year. This time around it was plain old vanilla. But theres a trick that I have been doing for years and I only just now figured out where I got it from. I was telling my sisters about how I like my vanilla ice cream with a splash of milk and a sprinkle of mini chocolate chips. It makes the ice cream all icy and cold chocolate is my jam. I guess thats the way my dad ate it too. But I just didn't remember that!
Going though all the old photos I found made my heart so happy. Im so glad I have them to look back on. And that I came across them this week when I was struggling. It really gave me something to focus on when my mind was so lost.
And last but not least by any means, I am beyond happy and thankful and blessed to have a husband who loves me though this all. I guess last night he brought me home some french fries and stayed up with me talking to me until I finally laid down. I know it can't be easy by any means for him to see me all weirded out. Although we joke that its funny because I get super silly. We call it drunk. Because thats what it feels like to me. And thats what it feels like in the morning after I slept it off.
Part of me things I should probably just avoid social media for a while, and a part of me wants to say screw it, this is me, this is how my life goes and its ok to show that. Plus, I get to wake up in the morning and watch stories I don't remember making. So I apologies in advance if I disappear for days at a time or if I I don't make complete sense at times. Just roll with it! Thats what we do :)
Happy Friday Everyone. We will be busy cleaning and decluttering all the things. Hopefully we will be napping and getting some fresh air at some point as well! Oh and going to a birthday party and hopefully seeing my little sister!
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