Today I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails. Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for! Stop on over and see what everyone else is sharing today! Here is my list for this week!
Pizza night
Watching Ant and his bestie do Valentines
Ok-ish labs
Watching the boys eat all the veggies.
Coffee on the patio on warmer mornings,
Sunshine and clear skies!
Playing in the street with the kids.
Facetime with my sisters.
Long weekends
David being home next week!
This weekend I think we are just hanging out. Nothing planned. There was talk about squeezing a movie in one of day. And tomorrow we are celebrating my Best Bs birthday! Tonight is the Valentines Dance at the school and Alex keeps going back and forth on if he wants to go or not. Im sure we will go.
But first, I am going to lay down and read a little because 3 miles and a room full of 4th graders jacked up on sure all before noon was a lot for my brain to process. Teachers are angels! Seriously.
Then I need to figure out what we are going to do this week while the boys are in school. I also need to figure out what we are cooking because less time in the kitchen means more time with David. Im so excited!
What are you all up to this weekend? Any fun plans. Its supposed to be a nice weekend here. Hopefully for everyone else too!
Happy Friday!
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