Today I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails. Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for! Stop on over and see what everyone else is sharing today! Here is my list for this week!
David being home for both wake ups and bed time. He was a champ. Even if he let them stay up a little later and sleep in a little longer, everything ran so much smoother with him running things. Probably because he has the patience of a Saint, and I do not.
Super easy appointments. I usually have an MRI, Endoscopy and Ultrasounds at these appointments. Yes, one after another. Tuesday I walked in and they were like, lets just do ultrasounds and dopplers. Although I did missed out on my anesthesia power nap, I was happy to be in and out of there in no time.

Lunch Dates. We met up with friends for lunch. David always teases me when I go out to lunch with friends because he is always stuck at work. So this time he was lucky to come along. We went to a place we haven't been before! That counts as my go somewhere new goal! Food was good, conversation was hilarious as always. Finding people who get you is the best :)

Family Game Day at Alexs school. The kids created their own board games and invited parents to come and play them. These boys created a Fortnite game, because Fortnite is life apparently. But the best part was that you had to do math facts to move your players. They had some good questions in there too! Alex was so happy to see David come in the door. He never gets to make it to school functions.
I love when Anthony comes home and can come at me with sometimes even the most embarrassing questions. And that I have a good game face because sometimes I just want to run away but I remind myself that if he could be mature enough to ask me I can be mature enough to give him an honest-ish answer. 13 year old boys have ALL the questions!!

A kid free trip to the Zoo is always fun. I got to see everything and everyone I wanted. Even though most of the animals were still sleepy and enjoying the sun and warmth. The best part about being members is we can go back again this weekend and see the ones that were sleeping. And on the 2nd, they are opening up the brand new Rhino Exhibit. Have you heard of The Last Three Statue? It is a giant statue of the last 3 Northern White Rhinos left in the world. Sadly it is down to just the two girls now.
Afternoon naps. I wouldn't have made it through the week with out them. They are much better when you have someone to snuggle with, thats for sure!

Spring is so close I can feel it. I hope the really cold weather is done for so everything can start blooming and every ones spirits can come out of their winter funks. Or is that just me? Sunshine is life and winters make me super blue and negative! I'm so over it! Bring on Spring!
This week has been such a good one and I know there is more but my brain is just exhausted. We have to pick up groceries in a little bit and then David is working tonight but then the weekend is ON! This post is up a little late because life happened. I started it this morning, then I got side tracked by putting in my grocery order and then we were off to Sams Club to get more food. Growing boys eat SO much. Then it was time for pick up, then making dinner. David left and I finally got around to cleaning.
Now I am so ready for bed as soon as this last load of laundry is out of the dryer and folded anyway. Tomorrow is supposed to be a good day, so I'm hoping we can get out and get some fresh air before a good family dinner. To be honest I just want the whole weekend to take its time before David is back to work. Are you guys sick of hearing that? I'm going to need a few days to adjust then Ill get over it and back into the swing of things. Having him home reminded me just how lonely being stuck at home is.
What are you guys up to this weekend? Anything fun?? Who is ready for SPRING?!?!
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