As tired as I am this morning, I feel refreshed. The weekend kinda flopped on me. Nothing worked out the way it was supposed to, but, I got lots of sleep and I'm still here so I'm going to go with that. We moved a few things around the house this weekend so today I need to find all the misplaced things a home for the time being. Bring on the Fall decor. We aren't even going to talk about Christmas yet. Not until November anyways. We can talk food though.

This weeks menu is ready to go. And as much as I'm ready for some cold weather food, its still in the 90's here so that's going to have to wait a little bit. I'm still avoiding eye contact with my oven most days.
Arroz Con Pollo
Street Tacos
Zucchini & Beef Skillet
Garlic Butter Chicken & Asparagus
Parmesan Crusted Chicken
Caesar Salads
Leftover Night
Roast Chicken &Veggies
David and I were talking about how with the new schedule our family dinners are pushed back later than usual. If we want to eat as a family, we are looking at about 5:30 by the time everyone is home. Which isn't so bad but Alex is home and about an hour later David gets home. Anthony usually comes in the door an hour after that. Even with an after school snack, Alex is ready for dinner before David gets home. David gets home after a long day and is ready to eat and Anthony is usually left eating by himself. Then it is straight into the shower and winding down for bed. Not sitting down and having that time to catch up with each other is new and I don't like it. But I'm not ready to give in just yet. So, I will take whatever time I can get with them during the week but Sunday Dinners are a new must. We usually just ate something quick and rushed thought our night time routines. But I'm thinking a day made for slowing down and having a good hearty dinner together is not much to ask for. Do you guys have dinner as a family?
Who's ready for Fall? Is the weather changing for you yet? I'm just here, waiting for some cooler weather so I can break out my hoodie and sit under a blanket on the patio and have my tea after the boys go to bed. Plus I sleep so much better when its cold. Ahhh. I just can't wait!
Do you have your menu planned for the week? What are some of your favorite Fall foods? I need to stock up a few recipes so that I'm ready to go when the weather finally changes.
I hope your week is off to a great start!
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