- Neutered Puppies!
- Chick-Fil-A School Spirit Night (I didn't want to cook anyways)
- Outlander!
- Trying out Orgain Collagen Peptides.
- A good walk to school.
- The first day of Fall.
- Buying Anthony pants in the mens section.
- Plant babies.
- Talking about the future with David.
- Being able to be a stay at home mom.
OK so, we finally had our first sick day this week. Somedays being a stuck stay at home mom is beyond frustrating. I want to work, talk to other people and get out of the house. But when the boys don't feel good, being able to be home is always a good reminder of how thankful I am to be here when they need me. It' the silver lining for sure. I haven't had to miss a thing, because I am always here.

David restocked me on my Orgain. I'm super excited about the Collagen. My hair is thinning and falling out. My nails are thing and tearing off like paper. My skin could use some help and don't get me started on my joints. I creak like the floorboards of an old house.
Is anyone else watching Outlander? I started it when it first came out and only made it 5 minutes in. My sister insisted last week that I give it another chance and just get though the first episode. A few days later, I was starting season 2 and trying to pace myself so I didn't finish it so fast. What else do I need to watch?
And as for the puppies, the boys are doing good this morning. Saint is a little whiny today but on top of loosing his goods, he had a hernia repaired too. It looks like they will be splitting up and flying the coop, er, kennel tomorrow. We will miss these sweet boys no doubt, but don't you worry! The kennel wont be empty for long.

Tomorrow we are saying goodbye to the puppies, coming home for a BBQ and then picking up more puppies. Sunday we will spend getting them settled and hopefully, major crossed fingers, they will settle in to a routine by the time the new week starts. They are only 7 weeks old so I highly doubt it. But it's not like I sleep much anyways. Anyone want to come live with us for a couple of weeks. Room and meals included. You will get all the puppy snuggles you could ever want! HA!
What made you happy this week? And what's up with your weekend? Have anything fun planned? Has fall weather hit you get? I know the low 90s isn't quite Fall like for many of you but I'm willing to bet people are breaking their boots and jackets! What every you do this weekend, I hope it makes you happy!
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