Happy Monday everyone! I know I said I was excited to sleep in super late but of course now that the option is there, I couldn't do it. I was up at 8 so its still counts as sleeping in I guess. Also, I'm to excited to sleep. I have things to do. Its Thanksgiving break and my house is no where near ready for company.
Alex is off having the time of his life at a friends house and Anthony will be off to do his own thing in a little bit. Which works for me because I have a million + 1 things to do today then have a doctors appointment this afternoon. So here I am. Starting my morning with meds, coffee and some sunshine on the patio. I have a feeling after all my appointments this week and the next, all my diet, medication and exercise suggestions will become restrictions. Which will bring on a whole crap ton of changes around here. Oh boy. Hopefully it wont be to bad.
Alex is off having the time of his life at a friends house and Anthony will be off to do his own thing in a little bit. Which works for me because I have a million + 1 things to do today then have a doctors appointment this afternoon. So here I am. Starting my morning with meds, coffee and some sunshine on the patio. I have a feeling after all my appointments this week and the next, all my diet, medication and exercise suggestions will become restrictions. Which will bring on a whole crap ton of changes around here. Oh boy. Hopefully it wont be to bad.

Another good thing about Thanksgiving week is I mean you really only need to plan a little menu because Thanksgiving dinner is the highlight of the week. Anyone else do that? Eat simple and basic all week because you know come Thursday you will probably eat more than you should. I'm just emptying out the freezer this week and trying to use up what is in there. So....chicken or fish.
Arroz con pollo
Baked chicken legs
Thanksgiving dinner
Thanksgiving leftovers

OK you guys, I am getting super excited about Thursday. It is my absolute favorite holiday of the year. I am missing the rest of my family something big but know that someday we will celebrate together. I'm sure at some point there will be a face time call or two but it just isn't the same. What I wouldn't give for a house full of family. My nephews and nieces running around. I can almost hear the laughter. A girl can dream.
So, Happy Monday. I have been out here way to long and I need to get to cleaning. David always says we should have company more often because the house gets a deep clean. Then he remembers that hes an introvert and is OK with our "lived in" home.
So whats on your menu for the week? Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year? What is you favorite turkey day dish? I'm all about that stuffing. And the pie! But mostly my favorite thing is a house full of happy hearts and full bellies.
Wishing you all an amazing week!
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