Today I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails. Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for! Stop on over and see what everyone else is sharing today! Here is my list for this week.
Having my mom here with me. Im so thankful that she makes the time to come out and hang out with us. Next she is heading to Alabama to see the other kids before going back home to Florida.

David usually takes Thanksgiving week off but this week he got bumped to the week after. So he has been home all week to take us to all our doctors appointments, which has been really nice. I have also got to go with him when he dropped Alex off in the mornings which is something I don't usually get to do anymore. So that has been nice. I have seen more sunrises from the road this week than I
usually do.
Both boys are doing good in school. Alex came home upset that he had a low grade. The little punk had me worried. It was a 95. He got me good. Ant missed a few days last week when he was sick and one this week for an appointment so he is behind a few days but he is pretty confident that he can catch up soon. Teenagers and motivation are hard to find in the same room sometimes.
usually do.
Both boys are doing good in school. Alex came home upset that he had a low grade. The little punk had me worried. It was a 95. He got me good. Ant missed a few days last week when he was sick and one this week for an appointment so he is behind a few days but he is pretty confident that he can catch up soon. Teenagers and motivation are hard to find in the same room sometimes.

My new stove and dishwasher! Santa knew just what I needed even if I was fighting it. I ran the dishwasher and its so much quieter than the old one. And my stove is a dream!
Getting new goods to try in the mail. Super excited because anytime I can find something that the boys like (muffins) that have extra things that they need (protein) its a win. Fingers crossed the boys approve.

We had 5 for the most part pretty positive doctor appointments. This week has been full of doctors but all the new has been good or not gotten any worse. My liver is still huge and my spleen is almost 18 inches now. 11 being the norm. Gallstones are still present but not causing me to much trouble. Anthony grew and we are excited about that. My blood work for all my doctors is looking better too. So all around good news!
Medical Insurance. Its a pain, but a blessing no doubt! Anthony started a new med which the doctor said would be costly. Most of her patients pay 200-400 dollars for it. So I left David in the car and went in to fill it so I could lessen the blow when I had to tell him. It came out to 5 dollars and I didn't even have to find a manufacturers coupon! Thank You Jesus!
Medical Insurance. Its a pain, but a blessing no doubt! Anthony started a new med which the doctor said would be costly. Most of her patients pay 200-400 dollars for it. So I left David in the car and went in to fill it so I could lessen the blow when I had to tell him. It came out to 5 dollars and I didn't even have to find a manufacturers coupon! Thank You Jesus!

This damn 2000 piece puzzle that mom and I are love/hating. And its a good thing she thought to buy a card table for it because it is big. But our goal is to get it done before she leaves in 2 weeks. We are almost half way there so I think we can do it!
New TV shows. I am hooked on The Mandalorian and am all about that baby yoda. How can anyone not fall in love with him. When my little sister was here, we all caught up with See on Apple TV. Have any of you been watching too. We didn't realize Mom was watching until it we had caught up and she was upset that there wasn't another. Never mind the fact that it was 2 am.

One last thing I am going to be thankful for this week is how much my word of the year has played into my life the last 12 months. I chose grow. I may have stepped back a little online and didn't grow much as far as the blog and other social media goes. I feel like I have grow mostly in life itself. learned a lot about myself and others and have grown from it. I have also grown actual plants which has always been impossible for me. And the biggest grown of all wasn't even really my growth. But Anthonys. It has been one hell of a road but together, he is growing and he is so very much a part of me that I claim a little part in that celebration too!
And now the day is almost over. Where is time even going. I feel like this whole week has a non stop round of hospitals. Who needs a pub crawl with you can have a hospital crawl? 4 hospitals 5 doctors, 1 xray, 1 CT, Scope, 2 rounds of labwork and 2 trips to the pharmacy, one new medication and a partridge in a pear tree!
OK Now, if you stuck with me this far, tell me something that made you happy this week! What are you most thankful and grateful for. Its been a long week and I have been so cut off from everyone so I would love to hear about whats new with all of you!
Have a great weekend everyone!
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