You know what else I have? A menu for this week. It was a close call and I may have only figured it out this morning but it's done too. Every week I say I will have everything ready to go by Friday and then I don't. How about I try that again. Here is what I came up with this week.
Chicken Enchiladas with Rice and Beans.
Honey Lime Chicken with Air Fried Potatoes and Greens.
Honey Mustard Salmon with Asparagus and Brown Rice Pilaf.
Lime Chicken and Greens Bowls.
OK so tonight we grabbed dinner after my appointments so that we could just get home and feed everyone and then get them ready for back to work and school tomorrow. But the rest of the week is looking lime-y and honey-y. Totally didn't do that on purpose. But I slacked and then I panicked and picked two random new to us recipes and two tried and true. It is what it is. I mean its food right!
Keeping it short and sweet today. I'm exhausted and ready for bed. Today was draining. Tomorrow I have to call a nutritionist and get see if maybe she could be the middle man for my dietary restrictions from 4 different doctors. Last week the cardiologist pretty much said everything the transplant team said was causing my heart to have to work harder. So now I feel like I'm back to square one. Hopefully she can help.
So whats on your menu for the week? Or if you could have any one dinner right now, what would you have? Trying to get all the help I can for next weeks menu and I know if I ask the boys I will get grunts and shrugs!
Here's to a quick and easy rest of the week for us all!
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