January 6, 2020

Menu Plan Monday 1•6•20

Happy Monday everyone!  Im totally trying to hype myself up here, so roll with me.  It's our first day back to school after winter break and we are all dragging.  Its awful, but I know we will be back in the swing of thins in no time!  Right?

My to do list is growing faster than I can cross things off.  I can at least say that my menu for the week is planned.  I can't say its super healthy but it is what it is.  Its home cooked and that is as good as it's getting.  And after the week we had, anything I cook myself will be great.  David was home and we were on the go all week long.  Turns out when you take boys hiking, you not only need to feed them first but pack a second breakfast and possibly an early lunch.  I kid.  Sorta.  So it's back to the kitchen for me.  And here is what I will be cooking up.

Buffalo chicken lettuce wraps.

Mushroom chicken and salad.

Baked pork chops and green beans.

Chicken tacos.

Dads hamburger macaroni and salads.

I really need to be better about planning weekend dinners now that David works most of them.  I got used to just winging it and eating whatever is in the Fridge and that just doesn't cut it anymore.  Plus, I hate getting caught in that "well we are on the road so we might as well grab something quick" rut.  UGH?  Anyone else do that?

I think we are going to start the week off with the lettuce wraps.  I can keep dinners light when David isn't working nights. Plus it's easy to throw together before school is out.  I can wash and dry the lettuce ahead of time too so all thats left to do is warm up the meat.  Quick, easy and with a kick.

I know there are a few menu planners out there.  Whats on your menus for this week? Happy Monday!