But even through all the tears of pain, frustration and sadness, there were tears of happiness too. Im still here. And even with all the emotions and craziness, I can still think of so much that I have to keep me thankful and grateful for.

Today I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails. Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for! Stop on over and see what everyone else is sharing today! Here is my list for this week.
- Awesome and funny doctors.
- All the coffee and tea!
- My aloe out front is about to bloom.
- We had some beautiful sunrises this week
- A husband who makes time to help me.
- My sisters. They prayed big for me this week.
- Curious boys that ask all the hard questions.
- Clarity in this quiet mind of mine.
- My growing houseplant collection.
- Writing down my truths and making peace with them.
- Getting off my butt and voting.
- Friends who genuinely care! Love you guys!
- Getting on the treadmill. Slow and steady.
- Boys who still ask me to hang out while they fall asleep.
- Warmer weather and sunshine on my face.

I could probably add a few more in there but I really need to get a few more things done around the house and I have a dozen calls to make before the weekend lazies kick in. I might even sneak in a nap. And hopefully some more walking. Gotta burn off the pita chips that just magically disappeared and the creamer I put in my coffee this morning.
This weekend will probably be another chill at home kinda one. With David working there isn't much time to do anything on Saturdays anyways. Plus I will have an extra kid or three. It always seems like when one shows up, more tend to follow. Teenagers! UGH. Well at least if they are here, I can keep an eye on them lol.
Sunday is supposed to be in the 80s so hopefully we can get the boys out and let them run off some energy before we start another week. A little fresh air goes a long way. And we can all use some good old Vitamin D!
What made you guys happy this week?
Whats on your weekend agenda?
Happy Friday!!
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