Today I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails. Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for! Here are a few things that made my list this week!
A great Mothers day
An invitation to tea (via Zoom)
My Built Bar package came in
Soaking in the tub.
Perfectly roasted marshmallows
Hammock Time.
Finding Alex sleeping on the patio
Celebrating Anthonys 15th Birthday
Late night talks.
Planting my lemon tree.

Over all it was a really good week. The highlight was Anthonys birthday for sure. Also, quarantine birthdays are not cool when you're 15. But we will celebrate again later. Grandmas made him a cake and we sent her video of him blowing out his candles. We got him a new gaming chair and he loves it.
There is a storm rolling in and the wind and rain is just getting here. Im about to take a tea and sit on the patio and watch it if I can. Tomorrow we are headed out to find somewhere to let the boys run. They have not left the house since their last day of school before Spring Break. They need a major mental health day and it cant be inside these 4 walls.
How are you all doing? How are your kids dealing with the whole social distancing thing? Yesterday I went to check the mail and one of the girls next door, walked by me and hugged herself. I did the same and asked her if she knew how hard I was gonna hug her as soon as I can. My neighbor girls are like my own girls. We went from spending almost every day with them, to only seeing them on the sidewalk once a week or so. I miss my hugs something big.
What ever y'all end up doing, as always, I hope it makes your hearts happy and that you guys are staying safe out there!
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