June 5, 2020

School, Summer and Something Fun

Happy Friday Everyone!  We are finally done with school and officially in Summer Mode.  The boys are still sleeping!  They asked to stay up super late last night to celebrate the end of school.  Which works for me because I was able to get some cleaning done while the dog ate and then watered plants while he was outside doing his business.  Now I just need to make a grocery list and finish up some house work before the weekend starts.  

Peacefull Posse

Today I'm linking up with Lindsay from The Flynnigans, Charlotte from My Pixie Blog and Beth from Coffee until Cocktails.  Every Friday we share all the things that we are happy, grateful and thankful for!  Here are a few things that made my list this week!

The last week of school.
Rocco getting zoomies.
Late night QT coffee runs.
A new to him computer for Anthony.
Alex's presidential academic excellence award.
Playing video games with the boys.
Facetime with the family.
Rearranging patio plants.
Reservations to the Zoo and Enchanted rock.
Finally taking a nap on the last day of school.

Last day of school faces
Trying to take a last day of school photo.  Apparently to early in the day.  They can sleep in now that schools out :) 

David and I were laying in bed and he mentioned how quick the week went by.  I think we were all just so excited to get school over with.  We are trying to plan our summer bucket list but are trying to find something fun that wont be so crowded.  I made a few reservations for a hike while David is off for vacation.  And maybe we can sneak in a trip to see my little sister too.  Fingers crossed.

What made you happy this week?  We can all use a little happiness so let me know below!  

What are you up to this weekend?  What ever it is, I hope you stay safe and happy.