I was up at the crack of dawn and out back with the puppies. For a few minutes I debated on crawling back into bed after we came back in but then I remembered that I have a million things to do today. I got laundry and dishes started. Cleaned out the puppies pen and kennel. Made my bed and got started on cleaning my bathroom. Then Anthony scared the life out of me. I couldn't hear him over my music and its not very often I see his face before noon! Teenagers.
Speaking of teenagers. My lord, do they ever stop eating? I may or may not have bought 2 of everything this week just in hopes of filling the bottomless pit that is his appetite. Im not a hundred percent it is going to last the whole week but a mom can hope.
Homemade Texas Burgers and Fries
Oven Fried Chicken and Salads
Chicken Patties, Mashed and Corn
Grilled Chicken, Spanish Rice and Beans
Leftover night
Chicken Patties, Mashed and Corn
Grilled Chicken, Spanish Rice and Beans
Leftover night
I found the Texas Squealer Burgers and the Jalapeno Honey Lime Grilled Chicken recipes online and figured I would give them a try. Anthony mentioned that I hadn't made anything new lately, so I found him some food to make for us. I mean, if you don't like whats cooking... cook something yourself. Totally kidding. He was right. I have been failing at planning my menu early and then just falling back on our usual tried and true dinners. So this week its 2 new recipes. And they are both on the grill, so I can count on the boys helping me out. Total win win!
I got a giant pack of chicken legs. The boys suggested fried chicken, but I think I will bake it instead. Maybe. Homemade fried chicken is just magic every now and then. And if there are no leftovers, I will have more chicken to cook. Joy! More chicken! The burgers are beef though. I will have a bite of someones burger but I will have a grain burger instead.

What's on your menu this week? Have you broke out the grill yet? What is your favorite thing to throw down? I will always be a sucker for some Teriyaki anything. I need to make a point to light the grill up more often.
Wishing you all an amazing week!
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