True story. I have a hard time multi tasking these days. Its been pretty quiet around here because life has been a little loud and I can only do one thing at a time. Between trying to get my health on track and keeping the boys successful at distance learning, Ive been spread a little thin. Its been a big change but I think we are doing pretty good. The boys are doing really good too so I not complaining. Just trying to keep up I guess. When did 6th grad math get so complicated? Le sigh.

Anyways. Its Friday. The boys are pumped to get though the day. I just got off a Zoom call with a friend who I adore. Seriously you guys, find friends who inspire you to be better people and always encourage you to do you. I had a discussion with Anthony over some world topics he has to pick to write a thesis on and helped Alex his art work. And now its time to take a minute to look back at the week and highlight some of my favorite things. The things that got us though the week. Thats what Fridays are for around here.
Another round of homegrown sprouts.

Grown up conversations with the boys.
Letting my hair and all its craziness down. I forgot how curly it was.
My accountability group. Such an inspiring group of ladies.
Delicious meatless meals. And meat meals for the guys.
Facetime with my sisters and mom.
Friends who encourage you to do hard things.
Adult conversations. I needed them.
You guys, Its almost October. We are so close to the end of 2020 and I am determined to fill the last few months with as much happiness as I can. I don't know yet how, but if I see an opportunity, Im grabbing it. I will say that this year taught me to appreciate all the things I do have even more.
Like facetime with my sisters and mom. We haven't all been together in person in 7 years. And sometimes a girl just needs her sisters. Being able to facetime them when ever I can makes me happy. The fact that David bought me an Ipad specifically so I could spend more "time" with them, makes me happy and Oh my God the conversations we have, make my heart unbelievably happy.
I did a think last month and joined a beach body group. I was just going to buy the on demand and work out when ever I wanted. But I also knew I wouldn't hold myself accountable. So I jumped in and joined a group. And that has made all the difference. To have a someone tell you that you are doing a good job and encourage you every day is amazing. I had no idea what I was missing out on. I adore these ladies and actually look forward to checking in with them all.
I got a lot of adult conversation in this week and man did I need it. Monday it was nice to catch up with some of the familiar faces at the hospital. I know that sounds lame, but thats my life. Then we had a teacher coffee break yesterday and I got to to talk to my friend out front. And today I got to have an awesome chat with someone who always makes my day better. She is always lifting me up and encouraging me to keep on sharing my story and use my voice. Best calls ever.
Im working on next weeks menu. Im getting better at this whole 2 menus thing but trying to make it work isn't easy. This week was filled with lots of delicious food for all of us. My favorite was making pizzas with the boys and making a few slices of veggies only for me. I haven't been doing carbs for dinner, but sitting down and eating the "same" dinner with them was probably the highlight of my week. I love these guys something big and dinners together are so important to me. So I need to be better about not making my dinner after I make theirs. Also, my sister sent me the recipe for that Ratatouille Salad up there and its amazeballs!
I could go on forever but I know Davids almost home and I am really looking forward to some time with him and the boys. Even if we are just sitting around playing video games. We are hoping to get out on an adventure this week because I heard that one of our favorite parks might have reopened so we can run around in the fields again. Fingers crossed it really is open.
Look back at your week and tell me what made you happy this week? I know we are supposed to be not sharing germs but happiness is OK to share!
Have an amazing weekend everyone!
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