Hello Darkness my old friend... Oh wait, Monday! I mean Monday. Its not really that bad. I mean sure the weekend is over but what I really want to do is to be excited and thankful for another day. Yes. Thats what Im doing. Last week think started out great then hit the fan when I ran out of heart meds. By Wednesday I was hurting. I stopped though Thursday like Shrek and by Friday I was struggling. But Saturday we picked up my meds and all is right in my world again.
Things have been moving forward here. The boys have hit a few bumps with the distance learning thing and I am here trying to keep them fed and cheering them along each day. But seriously. I feel like feeding them alone is a full time job. I bought Eggo waffles to hopefully buy myself a break in the mornings. I also bough myself some coffee creamer because thats my business.

This week I managed to plan 8 meals and not go over budget! Im finally starting to feel like I know what I am doing with this two menu thing. And we are working on making meatless Mondays a thing but Im still trying to try a few new things before I make them try them. Im not sure I can convince them tofu is for them, but I do have a few things so far I know they will enjoy! But let's just focus on this weeks menu for now. Here it is.
Chicken Patties, Mashed Potatoes & Corn
Jalapeno Popper Chicken with Salads
Homemade Pizza Night
Lemon Pepper Turkey, Broccoli & Brown Rice.
Leftover Night
Ratatouille on Garlic Bread
Veggie Stir Fry and Quinoa
Homemade Pizza Night
Curry Rice and Broccoli
Leftover Night

Trying to menu plan meals that you love but know you will not be eating is hard. Just as hard as it is to NOT make them everything they are asking for because your not eating it anyways. I love that they try to sneak things in just incase. But I also love that when I ask them what they want for lunches they get super creative. Their lunch line up is always a mix of everything. They asked for sandwiches, corndogs, sashimi (raw fish) and avocado salads. Yum!
Do you every have meatless meals or is meat a must? I used to say that there is no way I could live with out meat. But here I am, living mostly meatless. (I did have some fish this weekend.)
Today I am going to get my house straightened up because it put it off and did my workout instead. It was a light day and I knew it would be just enough to help me sleep. Showered, read and passed out. Its plant watering, bathrooms and food prep day. I have to work on an article and hopefully get it done and sent in early. And then I am off to the hospital for a double round of blood work. I also have to squeeze in a trip to the school to pick up our LAST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL year book. Ugh, why am I so emotional lately?
So, Whats cooking in your kitchen this week?
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