Confession time. I miss meat. Big time. I miss enjoying food. I miss being able to grab a quick bite while we are out and about. And thanks to a mini meltdown which lead to me crying my way back to the car because I couldn't eat anything, I now will be packing a freaking lunch box every time I leave the house. David would like to know if becoming a vegetarian makes everyone this emotional. Anyone? Someone tell me this is normal! Maybe one more meat free week will even things out.
Here is whats cooking this week!
They are having:
Beef and Bean Tostadas
Honey Sriracha Meatball and Brown Rice Pilaf
Baked Chicken Legs and Salads
Thai Turkey Lettuce Wraps
I am having:
Cauliflower Buffalo Burgers
Bean Tostadas
Rainbow Lentil Bowls
BBQ Cauliflower Bowls
No Tuna Tuna Salad

Its going to be a delicious week around here. At least we got the burgers over with. I had to actually get out of the house because all I could smell was beef. I also told Anthony he was only allowed to cook as many burgers as they would eat because if there was any left...who knows what could happen. I tried yet another no meat "burger." And I wasn't as disappointed as the grain burger. But nothing compares to real beef. Le sigh. Next time Im going to fry it in the air fryer because it tasted good but the middle is mushy.
Anyone have a favorite non beef burger? Let a girl know!
Whats on your menu this week? If y'all have any meatless meals ideas, I could use some!
Have a great week!
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