Happy New Year! 2021 is here. 2020 is gone. How does it feel?

To me it kinda just feels the same. Even though it was a crazy year, it wasn't only bad. You know me, always looking for that silver lining. The world was on fire, but inside my little bubble, my home and my heart life managed to stay very steady and stress free. And I am so thankful for that. Because I know it wasn't that way for so many others.
Fridays on the blog are usually for sharing this weeks happiness, but Im thinking I need to shake things up around here this year and Im thinking about changing the days so I can squeeze in the weekends too. Or maybe make it a monthly kinda thing. We shall see.
There will be a lot of changes this year for me. Online and in real life. And Im here for it. I am not setting any resolutions this year but I have chosen a word. Last year I chose unapologetic and I feel like it was such an amazing word to guide me through all that last year threw at me. And it is 100% the reason, I got though the year feeling like it was not a complete train wreck. I will be sharing my word for 2021 later this week so stay tuned.
What are your wishes for the new year. Do you make resolutions or choose a word for the year? What do you want to accomplish this year? One of the things I would like the new year to bring me is more interaction and connections with the world outside these four walls. I shut a lot out last year to work on myself and Im ready to open the windows and let some of y'all back in! So if you see me around, on here or any of my other platforms, drop a comment and say hello so we can catch up!
Cheers to happiness and positive energy in the new year.
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