July 26, 2021

Menu Plan 7•26•21

Its back to reality for me this week.  I may have gone a little overboard on the vacation mode.  I think I only cooked a handful of times.  And I ate more than that.  Magic happens when marshalleese get together.  The food, the fun, I miss that.  But I have yet to make any island friends here in Texas.  And most of my people aren't really up for raw fish or fish with the heads still on it.  I digress.

Hope Whispers Menu Plan

There are no eyeballs or other crazy sea creatures on the menu this week.  There is a new recipe we are trying and the rest is pretty much the usual.  You know how I like to keep my dinners.  Quick and Delicious.  Here is this weeks line up.


Arroz con Carne
(Baked) Wing Night
Davids Birthday Dinner
Salmon Tenders
Stuff Pork Chops


Davids Birthday Dinner
Cauliflower Pad Thai
Leftover night

I am back to planning out my own meals for the week and super excited about it.  As much as I really did enjoy my vacation and being a little wild with my diet,  I know that eating clean and meatless feels so good.  A started a new Beachbody program also and we all know working out and eating like crap is like burning money.  So, Im trying to behave myself.  David hasn't picked a place for dinner or anything he wants me to make for him, so... we shall see what happens that night.  But Im ready for the other nights at least.

Menu Plan Monday

Whats cooking in your kitchen this week?  Tell me, how do you feel about meat less meals?  Yay or Nay?  What is your favorite non meat meal?  Seriously, I need more ideas!  HELP!  

I hope everyone had an amazing Monday and and even more amazing week!